March 2024

Rolling right along into March. Getting ready to finally lay down some track here in West Frankfort. I am going to revise the layout plan with Bob Sprague as soon as funds allow to do so; but it will basically be the same plan as in MR; albeit with the trackage laid prototypically straight in the correct areas now; and possibly double decked instead of triple decked. I am getting excited about the prospects of this; as I have long made the switch over to Walthers Code 70 and 83 branch line track; for the mine spurs; and the Code 83 on the main will have the new branch line ties…so as to simulate the secondary line status of the Joppa Sub.
Other projects include subtle weathering to all coal hoppers; and the 3209 cu ft. hopper is right on time with the summer for the RPM meet…so it seems. I will have two more of the prototypes completed; and have pitched the idea to ScaleTrains to possibly continue the discussions I had been undertaking with ExactRail to make this car an ExactRail model. I would hope that Shane and Company would consider; as this car was also the first 100 ton quad hopper on the CB&Q RR as well; and a model of it is absent in HO scale. Plus, I would most likely be interested in the CB&Q cars as well with some GP30s and GP40s’ from ScaleTrains…just because that is a cool scheme and the Q also ran through West Frankfort. Athearn Genesis already has some excellent ex-CB&Q EV cabooses available; and Tangent has the BN ex-GN cars; so a BN itch could also be scratched. With the Rapido C30-7’s and Atlas U30Cs; I’d be in hog-head heaven with the GE power all around.
I am continuing the fleet build up with GP38-2 power for MP. Just completed MP 2261; an Athearn Genesis GP38-2 with Soundtraxx Tsunami 2 onboard with two speakers. I will soon start MP 2018; as I have custom numbers from William Brillinger at for this engine as depicted at
I am also continuing the GP15-1 fleet buildup as well; as MP 1579 is ready to for final assembly. I was unable to get the parts needed for the side windows; so I’ll have to use Molotov pens to line the aluminum window frames on the window sets that I have. Shouldn’t be too big of a project. I would note that Athearn has come through with all other parts requests thus far; and we can’t expect every single part on every single engine to be in stock all the time when the models are basically imported from China. Likewise, such an undertaking for inventory would be more cost effective for them than it would be worth, IMO. None-the-less, they have been really good in response time and filling orders.
I have to make one more trip at least out to California in March and am waiting for the weather to clear to drive out…take care all.