Operations in the Coal Fields

Working the coal fields daily was the major task for the crews assigned to West Frankfort and the Joppa Sub. We’ll go over the typical jobs and train numbers assigned to these freights…and showcase the mines in both prototype and model form. I have prototype photos and will be using them for references for both Freeman 4 and Zeigler 4.
After years of “soul searching”; I decided that it was time to have a definitive model of a tipple coal mine or two in Southern Illinois. This is where I grew up; and I have always wanted to build something like this.
MoPac switched these mines daily; and this is really what I am familiar with. With West Frankfort’s yard operations; I plan to feature these operations; as well as the Bethlehem Steel 3737/3716; and 3209 cubic foot quad hoppers…as produced by ExactRail in HO scale. The motive power will be Athearn Genesis GP38-2’s and GP15-1’s.
The links below will lead you to each mine and/or interchange connection with a description of each site. Eventually, photos of both the actual mines and the models will follow. Videos in 4K of the HO scale operations will also be added in the near future.
Zeigler Coal Co. Mine Number 4
ICG Interchange Coal/ Car Haul